Professionally handled generator service plays an important role in the continuous function of many important sectors that make up our economy. We’ve also come to realise that good generator aren’t defined by the model you buy. Reliable generator function is highly dependent on how well you take care of it. If you invest the proper time and money in the best generator servicing in Brisbane, then you can enjoy a long life of service. Neglecting proper care and maintenance of your industrial unit only exposes you to the risk of failure when they are needed the most. This is a guide that will help you navigate the proper timing frequency for your Genset. We’ll go through the important factors that play a role in your generator maintenance and the preventative maintenance recommendations that help to uphold this.

How often you should service your generator?

There are recommended servicing frequencies for your generator based on a number of factors but ultimately your unique usage is the biggest determinant. Everything about your industrial generator requires careful handiwork and invested time and that shows even in how long it takes to install it. The general understanding is that a detailed, full inspection and service should take place every 6 months or at 500 hours running time. This includes the carrying out regular visual inspections that help to spot those developing faults within your system. This will then inform the need for service sooner than expected and even help you to determine the factors that may result in more frequent maintenance:

One of the main safety considerations when it comes to industrial generator usage is the environment in which they operate. Exposure to extreme temperatures and weather can damage components of your generator faster than those operating in ideal circumstances. Generators that operate in humid, coastal environments should be protected from excessive exposure to salt water carried in the winds.

Generators are full-proof mechanical machines, but they are still vulnerable to airborne contaminants such as dust, sand, and humidity. They have the capacity to find their way into the unit and cause damage to its internal components. A construction site generator or some similar environment located remotely may require additional servicing.

You will purchase a generator that fits your uniquely calculated power needs but if you use it in a way it is not designed to, then there is a chance that you will need service sooner. Should you use a standby unit for prime power, care should be taken to ensure the generator is inspected frequently and only used for as long as is required.

Just as over-usage is a concern, under usage can also exacerbate your generator’s critical components. Leaving a generator dormant longer than expected is also a risk. Engine exercise should be carried out to avoid battery failure.


Maintenance tips for your industrial generator

Commercial and industrial generators are designed for reliability and that is especially the case if you rely on a team of generator experts in Brisbane. However, they will need some help along the way, and you can do that with regular maintenance to keep them in top condition. A professional will handle the major maintenance work. However, there are some things you can do, as the generator owner, every now and then to help in the monitoring process. The following are some housekeeping tips to keep your generator ready for action:

Call in your generator professional for a minor service every 500 hours of operation and/or every 6 months. Ask the pro if you need it more frequently because of your unique environmental conditions and they can give you the best advice. This is especially important for industrial generator owners that use their units in extremely hot climates or those with premises located in dusty/sandy locations. The engine works overtime in these conditions and critical components like air filters can get clogged more frequently.

How long does an industrial generator last?

Your industrial generator has the capability to last you for well over 20 years depending on the availability of the repair components and competent servicing technicians around you. This is just one of many things that play into the typical life expectancy of any individual generator, and it will depend on many other factors including sizing, usage, and preventive maintenance practices. The lifespan of your unit also depends on the hours it runs every year and the load it typically functions at. How well you maintain it is also a big factor in the ongoing health of your unit. Generator maintenance plays a big role in ensuring that your investment doesn’t go to waste in a variety of ways, and we are as invested in that as you are.