We often emphasise this, and it deserves the repetition, but industrial generators are large powerful machines in a class of their own. They require qualified generator experts to manage them and that’s why we founded the company over half a century ago. It is therefore understandable that industrial-sized units are likely to be noisier than counterparts in other sectors. Power output calculations and the fuel type you pick all play a role in what unit you choose but also in how noisy they’ll be. 50kW units are known to typically produce noise at well over 80 decibels which are almost as loud as rush hour traffic. Larger units are known for being as loud as jet engines in some circumstances and you can imagine how inconvenient that can be. This isn’t just an annoyance to the surrounding community but also an issue when it comes to local regulation. There is a lot that goes into being sound compliant and we explore those themes below.

How to contain industrial generator noise levels?

Thankfully, modern generator manufacturers are bucking the trend by designing units that keep up with the need for noise reduction applications. Many of the industrial generator producer names we have come to know have made great strides in reducing generator noise by making advancements in fuel injection technology, turbocharging, and internal combustion control measures. Even with extremely large engines, manufacturers have designed means to ensure internally balancing in the unit to reduce vibrations that lead to noise. There are a couple of additional interventions that can be considered, and we’ll get into those later on. Generator noise is generally classified in decibels (dB). In general terms, anything above 80 dB is characterised as ‘loud’ and that is a global standard. Industrial generators are very capable of producing decibels well over this level and they can be considered uncomfortable for surrounding communities which is why some regulations are put in place. They can include working hour stipulations or otherwise to help prevent noise pollution.

There are a couple of areas in the unit that are the main source of the noise. The noise is created by the mechanical motions and combustion forces. It also turns out that the cooling systems are the main source of noise pollution. And naturally, they would be, the system is constantly moving air at high speeds for it to pass through the engine and radiator. The mechanical vibrations that come with the motion of the different parts and structural components will also add to overriding sound and noise concerns.

Generator soundproof solutions

Some fuel types are quieter than others. Gas-powered industrial generators are quieter than diesel units and, in some cases, diesel units are less noisy than petrol generators. The best in modern generator technology has prioritised the production of quieter models through improvements made to internal combustion technology, internal combustion controls and fuel injection. When comparing Cummins or Generac many industrial property owners are concerned with which is the quietest. Regardless of the fuel or brand, you prefer for your unique power needs, newer models focus more on smooth-running engines and vibration reduction. We’ll discuss some of them below…

Anti-vibration applications

When the unit is manufactured, there are dampers, rubber, and spring mounts included in critical motion areas. These are installed in an effort to limit the vibrations which are the main catalyst for noise. For some installations, it is also helpful to install rubber placements or springs at the foundation of the unit to absorb the vibration waves and not transfer them to the harder concrete base. The developed sound buffers can be uniquely made to specifications or measurements unique to your needs and they will ultimately dampen the amount of vibration created by your machine.

Barriers and sound containment systems

There is also the option to add an acoustic barrier or insulation to the area around your generator because it can reduce sound levels. Barriers and sound containment systems are ultimately simple frameworks to block sound bouncing off your unit freely. They can include concrete walls and generator canopies or enclosures. There are also sound-absorbing materials that can be added to the equation like panels or otherwise. Major industrial generator manufacturers also produce sound attenuating enclosures. They provide noise control barriers and can reduce noise by up to 40 decibels. There are other applications which include exhaust silencers, acoustic insulating materials, and isolation mounts. Any of these sound-reducing measures are sure to benefit you if you have strict compliance to meet.

Mufflers and Silencers

Modern industrial generators already have silencing mechanisms built into them. This may include an exhaust muffler or something much more complex. All of them are standard features but you have the option of considering specialised applications if you are concerned. We usually have to deal with this concern when working with event planners that need powerful but quiet systems. Many of our main service areas are host to major events and they need units that aren’t an eye or ear-sore in the greater scheme of things. A project generator isn’t necessarily a special kind of equipment different from any other type of generator. It’s just the use of a unit for a set or limited period to achieve a particular goal or project. Project generators in Toowoomba are used for a one-time, non-recurring, temporary event that is not related to normal production processes. Many of the other sectors we service in the area may need a unit for year-round usage.

Industrial generator service in Brisbane 

Whether you have a generator with repair issues or one that isn’t providing enough power, we’re able to assist. Reactive Generators is a generator specialist that has tuned into the needs of local commercial and industrial clients for well over 50 years. We’re experts in maintenance, installation and so much more. Noisy generators are only one of a hundred concerns we deal with on a daily basis.