Back Up Generators for Schools

Back up generators are a typical generator installation for many commercial and industrial entities, as these industries rely on a constant stream of power for their daily operations. Without access to electricity, many of these sectors are thrown into disarray or are unable to function at all. Education facilities such as schools, colleges and other higher learning institutions are heavily reliant on these back-up sources as these sites often host numerous electrical systems. The inability to operate during unexpected outages can lead to massive inconveniences for these facilities. Some of the affected systems include heating and cooling, ventilation, fire alarms, computer networks, research equipment, data storage, lighting, security, elevators and phone networks.

An emergency power generator is the most straightforward and reliable way to navigate these unpredictable circumstances. These units will not only minimise the disruption to their daily operation but will also limit the likelihood of longer-term damage. The top reasons for employing an emergency power industrial generator in a school are as follows:

Classroom Disruptions and Scheduling

Power outages typically occur at schools during the day, while the students are present. When the supply to a primary source of power is cut, schools can struggle with excessive disruptions, lesson re-organisation and rescheduling. This process is even more complicated in universities, where the sites typically facilitate a much larger number of students. With an emergency power industrial generator on standby, the generator will automatically click in when a power outage is sensed, reducing the time spent without power. This quick response ensures teaching staff can exponentially decrease the interruptions to classroom time, as well as minimise the required shifts for previously scheduled events.

Computer and Network Infrastructure

Modern-day schools are equipped with high-tech computers and network infrastructures. The rise of devices like tablets, laptops and smartphones means these devices are now integral to many lesson plans. Teachers rely on these tools to engage their students and prepare their classes for the changing workforce of the future. Having an emergency power industrial generator on-site means that education professionals can continue with their intended lessons, even during periods of a power outage.

Schools also generally have massive data centres, where valuable information is stored. This information can include research, metadata collection and experiment findings. Without a power backup, schools risk losing this sensitive information during a power outage. Lack of power can also hinder the effectiveness of an IT security system, making the school more susceptible to hackers. An emergency power industrial generator ensures the facilities are not compromised in the event of a power outage.

Research and Experiments

As well as hoarding data, many schools host elaborate and ongoing research and experiments. Such processes are often kept in controlled temperatures of monitored laboratories, which rely on a constant and steady stream of power. A backup power source will significantly reduce the likelihood of any disruptions to these experiments, as the conditions are unlikely to change in the period between a power outage and the generator kicking in. This backup supply may not just save the validity of this research, but can result in significant savings for the schools.

Often Overlooked Systems

Lighting is the most commonly identified issue during a power outage, however there is an extensive range of critical systems that are hindered with a lapse in supply. These systems can include:
• Emergency lighting and security systems
• Refrigeration systems
• Water sprinklers and smoke detectors
• Bells and PA systems
• Electronic door systems
• Electronic teaching equipment

Safety Concerns

Power outages can seriously compromise the safety of a school, putting the students at a heightened risk. Compromising systems such as fire suppression equipment means the school is unable to address any emergencies that may arise. The breakdown of a security system of an electronic door lock can also expose the students to external threats. Without open and active telecommunication lines, the staff are also unable to communicate with parents or contact the broader community if needed.

Schools as a Community Shelter

Power outages are commonly caused by severe events such as storms. In severe cases of these circumstances, schools are often used as a meeting point, for shelter or as food stations for those affected by the disaster. Without a backup power supply, a school may not be able to fulfil this responsibility. An emergency power industrial generator will ensure the school can remain a warm, safe and accessible location for the entire community.


During a loss of power, heating and cooling systems are unable to operate. The absence of these services can create an uncomfortable environment in the classrooms and cause an unorganised atmosphere. An industrial power generator capable of servicing these facilities will help maintain a smooth and seamless teaching experience.

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